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In order for members of 'I MY STOK' to order the contents of 'I MY STOK' or use various services, minimum information is required for smooth order and service reception, payment and convenient and useful personalized information to members. Collect by matter.
All information provided by the member is not used for purposes other than those necessary for the above purposes, and the scope, purpose of use, and purpose of the collected information must be changed to obtain prior consent from the member.
The privacy policy is based on the trust of members based on the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization (hereinafter referred to as 'legal') Article 16 (Collection and Handling of Personal Information) to Article 18 (User's Rights). The purpose is to make 'I MY STOK' safer and more comfortable.



Purpose of processing personal information


The company processes personal information for the following purposes. The personal information being processed will not be used for any purpose other than the following, and if the purpose of use is changed, we will take necessary measures, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.


1. Homepage membership registration and management
Personal information is processed for the purpose of confirming the intention to join the membership, identifying and authenticating the member by providing the membership service, maintaining and managing the membership, verifying the identity by implementing the limited identity verification system, preventing illegal use of the service, and handling various notices, notifications, and grievances To do.


2. Provision of goods or services
We process personal information for the purpose of providing services, sending contracts and invoices, providing content, providing personalized services, personal authentication, age verification, bill payment and settlement, and collection of bonds.

3. Grievance handling
We process personal information for the purpose of verifying the identity of the complainant, confirming the complaint, contacting and notifying for fact investigation, and notifying the result of processing.


Information on the collection and use of member information


1. Personal information collection items and collection methods
The following items are required and others are optional.
-Name (real name and company name)
-Current E-mail address
- nickname


When signing up through a social account, the following information may be additionally collected.
-Google: ID, nickname, gender, age group, birthday, profile image


'I MY STOK' collects personal information in the following ways.

-Member registration through the homepage, email inquiry, and entry of prizes

2. Collection type and scope of use of member information

Personal information provided by members is collected and used only to provide optimized services (used for the development of new services and marketing advertisements).
First of all, in order to use 'I MY STOK', basic information such as your real name, e-mail address, and user password is required.
Furthermore, in order to provide specific new and advanced services, additional information can be collected through individual and collective surveys, etc., or the changed service contents can be notified by e-mail on the condition of voluntary participation and consent of members.
Upon signing up for membership, you agree to receive this information via e-mail.
Members can refuse to receive e-mail at any time.
In principle, personal information collected through the above methods will not be used for any purpose other than notice or stated purpose at the time of the service or other investigation.

Period of retention of personal information


1. Retention period of personal information
Members' personal information is protected by 'I MY STOK' while using the service as a member of 'I MY STOK', and when the purpose of collecting or receiving the aforementioned personal information is achieved (withdrawal), membership benefits In order to protect the members, the member information is retained for a certain period of time as follows.

Each personal information processing and retention period is as follows.
A. Homepage membership and management: Until membership withdrawal. However, in the following cases, until the end of the applicable reasons
-In the event of investigations or investigations in violation of relevant laws and regulations, until the investigation and investigation ends
-If the bond-debt relationship remains due to the use of the website, until the settlement of the bond-debt relationship.

B. Provision of goods or services: until the completion of supply of goods and services and the completion of payment and settlement. However, if the following reasons apply, until the end of the relevant period.
-Records related to transactions such as labeling, advertisement, contract contents, and performance in accordance with the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce
→ Records on indications and advertisements: June
→ Supply records of contract or subscription withdrawal, payment, and goods: 5 years
→ Records of handling consumer complaints or disputes: 3 years
-Archive of communication confirmation data in accordance with Article 41 of the Communication Secrets Protection Act
→ Subscriber's telecommunication date and time, start / end time, counterpart subscriber number, frequency of use, location tracking data of originating base station: 1 year
→ Computer communication, internet log records, access tracking data: 3 months
-Storage of personal identification information in accordance with Article 29 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection
→ 6 months after posting information on the bulletin board


2. Procedure for destruction of personal information
In principle, 'I MY STOK' destroys personal information immediately after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved. The destruction procedure and method are as follows.
-Destruction procedure: The information entered by the member for membership registration, etc. is stored for a certain period of time after the purpose is achieved (see Retention and Usage Period) according to the internal policy and other relevant laws and regulations before destruction. This personal information will not be used for any purpose other than retention, unless required by law.
-Destruction method: Personal information printed on paper is shredded by a shredder or destroyed through incineration, and personal information stored in the form of electronic files is deleted using a technical method that cannot reproduce the records.


3. Provision of personal information to third parties
'I MY STOK' processes your personal information only within the scope specified for the purpose of processing the above personal information, and personal information only if it falls under Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as your consent and special provisions of the law. To third parties.
For the payment service, the company entrusts and operates the personal information collected to external specialized companies as follows.
-Consignee and contents of consignment
① NICE Payments (payment and escrow service)
② Pay letter (payment service)
③ People / KS Net (Payment Service)

4. Technical and administrative protection measures to prevent leakage of personal information
All information of 'I MY STOK' is transmitted, processed, and stored in the web server (AWS) and is safely stored and processed. However, if you share a computer with another person or use the service in a public place, you must log out and close the browser to prevent leakage of personal information in the public place.

5. How to view, correct, delete and withdraw consent from personal information
Members can request to view, correct or delete the personal information provided at any time. To view, correct, and delete personal information, you can correct it yourself by selecting the "Member Information" menu of "I MY STOK". If you withdraw your consent for personal information, please contact the operator email of 'I MY STOK' ( and it will be immediately deleted through the identity verification process. If you have any complaints or comments regarding personal information, please provide feedback to the 'I MY STOK' operator email ( and we will take action immediately and notify you of the result of processing.


6. Matters concerning installation / operation and rejection of automatic personal information collection device What are cookies?
-'I MY STOK' uses 'cookies' that store and retrieve user information from time to time to provide personalized and customized services.
-Cookie is a very small text file sent to the user's browser by the server used to operate the website and stored on the hard disk of the user's computer. Subsequently, when the user visits the website, the website server reads the contents of the cookie stored on the user's hard disk and is used to maintain the user's preferences and provide customized services.
-Cookies do not automatically or actively collect personally identifiable information, and users can refuse or delete these cookies at any time.

Purpose of the Company's use of cookies
-'I MY STOK' saves the user's preferences through cookies, supports a faster web environment for the user, and utilizes it to improve the service for convenient use.
-'I MY STOK' analyzes the frequency, frequency of visits, and number of visits of the service through cookies to identify the user's preferences and interests and use them for service provision.

Cookie Installation / Operation and Rejection
-Users have the option to install cookies. Therefore, the user may allow all cookies by setting options in the web browser, check each time a cookie is stored, or refuse to save all cookies.
-However, in case of refusing to store cookies, the functions of the crowdpick service may not work properly while conducting online contracts such as an audit trail certificate, and the company is not responsible for this.
-How to specify whether or not to install cookies (for Internet Explorer) is as follows.
① Select [Internet Options] from the [Tools] menu.
② Click the [Personal Information Tab].
③ You can set [Personal information handling level].

7. Personal ID and password management
In principle, the ID and password used by the member are to be used only by the member. If there is no intention or negligence of the crowd pick, the crowd pick is not responsible for any problems caused by the theft of your ID and password or the use of other people. Under no circumstances, please do not give out your password to others, and take special care not to leak personal information to others around you while you are logged on.

8. Customer's personal information manager
The company is committed to ensuring that you use the company's services safely. You can report any complaints related to the protection of personal information arising from using the company's services to the person in charge of personal information management or the person in charge. The company will respond promptly and sincerely to users' reports.

Personal information manager

Name: Chan Woo Song
Contact: + 66-92-380-2180

Period of retention of personal information

If there is any addition, deletion, or modification of the contents of this Privacy Policy, we will notify you in advance through 'Notice' at least 7 days before the revision.
However, when a significant change in user rights occurs, such as changes in the personal information to be collected and the purpose of use, notice is given at least 30 days in advance, and if necessary, user consent may be obtained again.

Announcement date: May 20, 2020
Effective Date: May 21, 2020

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