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Terms of service


Article 1 [Purpose)

These terms and conditions are related to the use of the 'I MY STOCK' website service ( provided by 'I MY STOCK' (hereinafter referred to as the company), the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the company and members, and other necessary It is for the purpose of defining matters.

Article 2 (Definition)

1. Content refers to the image posted in 'I MY STOCK'.
2. Editorial-only content (editing-only content) refers to images for non-commercial use that cannot be used for commercial purposes.
3. Service refers to the act of using the content for free or paid by the member on the company site.
4. It is the termination of the service contract by the company or member.

Article 3 (Specification, Effect, and Revision of Terms and Conditions)

1. These terms are posted on the initial screen of the service so that members can easily understand them.
2. The Company may revise these Terms and Conditions without violating related laws such as the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereinafter referred to as the Information and Communication Network Act).
3. When the company revises the terms and conditions, the date of application and the revision are specified and notified through the service bulletin board or email 7 days before the application date. However, in the case of amendments to the terms and conditions that are unfavorable to the member, in addition to the notice, it shall be clearly notified separately through electronic means such as e-mail within the service for a certain period of time, or a consent window when logging in.
4. If the member does not expressly reject the revised terms and conditions within 7 days from the date of notice or notice of the revised terms and conditions in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 3, the company shall be deemed to have agreed to the revised terms and conditions.
5. If the member indicates that he or she does not agree to the revision, the company cannot apply the revised terms and conditions, and the member cannot use the service from the effective date of the revised terms and conditions.
6. When amendments are made to the terms and conditions, the terms and conditions of the amendments apply only to contracts concluded after the effective date. For contracts already signed prior to that, the terms and conditions before the amendment apply.

Article 4 (interpretation of terms)

1. Matters or interpretations not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to applicable laws or customs.
2. In the event of a dispute among members who are using the service, the terms and conditions shall be applied first, and any matters that are ambiguous or not specified in these terms and conditions shall be resolved by the parties to the dispute in accordance with applicable laws or customs.

Article 5 (contract of use)

1. The service use contract is concluded by a person who wishes to become a member (hereinafter referred to as an applicant for subscription) to agree to the terms and conditions, then apply for membership and the company accepts it.
2. In the application for paragraph 1, if necessary, the company may request real-name verification and authentication through the identity verification agency.
3. Applicants for subscription must fill in the true information when applying for membership, and the applicant for the disadvantages and legal responsibilities due to false information.
4. The company does not approve of the following applications.
① Under 14 years old
② If it is not a real name or someone else's name is used
③ When the user cannot apply for the reasons attributable to the user, or applies in violation of other prescribed matters
5. If the application for membership registration is not accepted or reserved in accordance with paragraph 4, the company shall, in principle, inform the applicant to join.
6. The company can differentiate the usage by subdividing the usage time, the number of use, and the service menu by classifying each member according to the company policy.

Article 6 (change of member information)

1. Members can view and edit their personal information at any time through the membership menu in the service. However, the ID and e-mail address required for service management cannot be modified.
2. The company shall not be held liable for any disadvantages arising from notifying the company of the changes in paragraph 1.

Article 7 (Protection and use of personal information)

The company strives to protect the user's personal information, including member registration information, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and the related laws and company's personal information handling policies apply to the protection and use of personal information. However, we are not responsible for any information that is exposed due to reasons attributable to the user.

Article 8 (Obligations to manage member's ID and password)

1. The member is responsible for the management of the user ID and password, and the third party should not use it.
2. The company may restrict the use of the ID if the member's ID is concerned about the leakage of personal information, or if it is against the antisocial or frivolous customs or is mistaken as the company and the operator of the company.
3. Members should immediately notify the company if the ID and password are stolen or used by a third party and follow the company's instructions.
4. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages arising from the failure of the Member to notify the Company or notify the Company in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3, even if the Member does not follow the Company's instructions.

Article 9 (Notification to Members)

If the company notifies the member, it can be made by notice in the service, e-mail address, e-mail, etc., unless otherwise specified in this agreement.

Article 10 (Company obligations)

1. The company does not violate related laws or these terms and conditions, and does its best to provide services continuously and reliably.
2. The company establishes a security system to protect personal information, and discloses and complies with the privacy policy.
3. In the event that the opinions or complaints from members are recognized as just and objective, the company must immediately process them through appropriate procedures. However, if it is difficult to process immediately, the member must be notified of the reason and schedule.

Article 11 (Members' obligations)

1. When applying for membership or changing member information, the member must complete all the facts. If you register using false facts or information of others, you cannot claim or protect any rights.
2. Members must abide by the provisions of this Agreement and other 'Crowdpick Writer Member's Terms' and the company's notices.
3. The member cannot transfer or donate the right to use the service, the status of the contract, etc. to others, and cannot provide it as collateral.
4. Members should not do the following, and in this case, the company may impose sanctions, including restrictions on member service use and legal action.
① The act of using or copying the content obtained through the service for purposes other than the use of the service, or providing it to third parties
② Acts corresponding to Article 16 (Restrictions on Content Use)
③ Acts that violate all regulations or conditions of use set by other companies including these terms and conditions
④ Acts that harm or deliberately interfere with the service


Article 12 (Member's contract termination)

1. Members can apply for termination of the service use contract at any time through the member information menu in the service, and the company handles it immediately.
2. If a member terminates a contract (withdrawal from membership), all data of the member will be destroyed immediately upon termination, except when the company holds the member's information in accordance with applicable laws and personal information processing policies.
3. Therefore, artists who wish to re-join the same email address after applying for membership withdrawal can apply after 14 days.
4. The company is not responsible for any damages incurred to the member as the information related to the use of content and the application for cash conversion is deleted due to termination.

Article 13 (service provision)

1. The company provides the following services to its members.
① Any service developed by other companies and provided to members
2. In principle, the service is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
3. The company may temporarily suspend the provision of services if there are valid reasons for maintenance checks, replacements and breakdowns, communication disruptions, natural disasters, or operations of information and communication facilities such as computers. However, in this case, the reason and period are notified to the member in advance or afterward.
4. The company can perform regular inspections if necessary for the provision of services, and the regular inspection time is as announced on the service provision screen.

Article 14 (content management)

1. The contents provided by the company may be arbitrarily deleted and changed at the company's own discretion.
2. When there is a problem with the content due to reasons including copyright, property rights, portrait rights, etc., the company shall notify the members by notifying it (by posting notices on the site or by e-mail notification) You must stop using it. After notice, all legal responsibility for the use of the content lies with the member who used it, not the company.

Article 15 (content copyright)

1. The copyright of the content provided by the company's services belongs to its legal authors.
2. Any unauthorized copying, unauthorized use of the content provided on the company's site, or acts outside of the 'I MY STOCK' Terms and Conditions posted on the site without prior consultation with the company are regarded as infringement of rights under copyright laws and related laws. Therefore, the member must compensate the company and third parties for any kind of damage or liability arising from the use of images other than those explicitly permitted by this agreement and 'I MY STOCK'. In addition, third-party claims are required to indemnify the company at their own expense.
3. The rights to logos, symbols, characters, trademarks, service marks, etc., which may be included in the content, belong to the right holder, not the company. .
4. The company is not responsible for any legal disputes caused by uploading, purchasing, or using content. The dispute must be resolved through agreement and dispute between the parties. The company may notify the parties of the facts for a smooth agreement between the parties.

Article 16 (Content use restrictions)

1. All content cannot be issued or redistributed, redistributed or resold (distributed, transferred, rented, rented, leased).

2. All content cannot be used for the following purposes.
① Use against pornography and adult advertising, entertainment establishments, Kori lenders, other prostitution, urology, plastic surgery, etc.
② Excessive advertisement in the form that the model guarantees a specific product
A. Ex) Comparison photo of plastic surgery (before & after)
B. In case of using false information about the model
Ex) When the model of the image is used as if using a specific service
Ex) When the model of the image is used by displaying the pseudonym, false identity, etc.
C. Other hype and false advertisements
③ Use to damage the model's personality rights
A. Uses that defame others, such as slandering others or using them obscenely
B. The act of synthesizing or reprocessing the image of a third party, such as the body and face
C. Uses that damage the personal rights of other models, etc.
Ex) If it is determined that the personality rights of the model may be impaired by blind dates, financial services, hospitals, and other services, use of the person's content is not possible. If you need further explanation regarding the limitations, please contact Crowdpick.
④ Other illegal use
⑤ Content cannot be used for exhibitions / contests

3. If you are concerned that it is possible to violate the usage restrictions when using the content, or if it is difficult to judge, you must use the company or the copyright holder (author member) of the content in advance. In particular, in the case of the use of portrait content, it may be applied more sensitively to the restrictions on the use of the content, so in the use of important person content, you should contact the company or the copyright holder (author member) of the content in advance.
4. All content is provided on the premise of non-exclusive use, and separate consultation is required for exclusive use.
5. It is prohibited to upload or scrap the purchased content for the purpose of redistribution and redistribution to webhard, blog, cafe, SNS (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) in the original form.
6. Restricted registration of intellectual property rights for downloaded content and secondary works.
7. If you need to create and sell a second work, please contact the company in advance.
(For example, if you make and sell product packages, postcards, and photo frames from purchased images, additional contracts may be required if you exceed a certain number (1,000 copies).)
8. When the work is delivered (provided to the second user), the original source of the delivered work cannot be delivered at the same time. If the original work is delivered and the client makes a second production using the original content, all responsibility for the resulting work rests with the member who delivered it.

* If a use that violates the image usage restrictions is found, the customer who uses the image should stop using the troubled image promptly by following the instructions of the crowd pick.
In addition, if damage or damage occurs to the copyright holders of the company and images due to use in violation of the usage restrictions, customers who use the images must compensate the damages and damages.

Article 17 (refund of contents)

1. Due to the nature of digital content, refunds are not available for purchased content.
2. However, partial refund is possible for unused charges. Refunds due to customer change are possible within 14 days after payment of the recharge amount.
3. Promotions and additional payments are not counted for partial refunds of the remaining amount.
4. In case of refund, the amount excluding the fees incurred at the time of payment will be refunded.

Article 18 (compensation for damages)

Unauthorized reproduction, unauthorized use of the contents provided by the service, or acts outside of the provisions of this agreement (excess use or violation of restrictions when using the contents, etc.) are infringement of copyrights under the Copyright Act and related laws. In this case, the company must reimburse the company for damages incurred, and if the company suffers damages exceeding this, the company must also compensate for the excess. If a third party claims damages against the company due to the above acts of the member, the company must be indemnified at its own expense.

Article 19 (disclaimer)

1. If the company is unable to provide services due to natural disasters, wars, or other force majeure, the company is exempt from responsibility for providing services.
2. The company is exempted from liability if the telecommunications service provider terminates the telecommunications service or fails to provide it normally.
3. The company is exempt from liability for damages caused by unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, periodic inspection, and construction of service facilities.
4. We do not refund or reimburse for temporary suspension of service due to delay or temporary error in service speed due to congestion of members, and maintenance to improve the company's service.

Article 20 (Service Dispute Resolution)

1. The company promptly handles members' opinions or complaints related to the use of the service. However, if prompt processing is difficult, the reason and schedule of processing will be notified.
2. Disputes between the company and members can be resolved through the mediation procedure of the Electronic Transaction Dispute Mediation Committee established by the Electronic Transaction Framework Act.

Article 21 (termination of service)

1. The company notifies members by means of announcements and e-mails within the service three months before the date of the end of the service.
2. Points already accumulated as of the service termination notice date must be exhausted by the terms of this agreement until the service termination date, and automatically expired after the service termination date, so the member cannot claim the points.
3. Some services may be restricted from the date of termination notice to the date of service termination.

Article 22 (Governing Law and Settlement Jurisdiction)

1. Legal disputes between the company and members are governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.
2. If a lawsuit is filed against a dispute arising from the use of the service, the court in charge of the company's location shall be the competent court.

Announcement date: May 20, 2020
Effective Date: May 21, 2020

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